+11 votes
in Android by (6.6k points)

How to ensure an Android tablet to give to children

1 Answer

+12 votes
by (201k points)
Some parents want to give their children the tablet to use a game or watch videos of your favorite cartoons, but really are more concerned about the possibility that the child unconfigure something, delete applications or end up buying anything at Play Store. 
To solve that it arrives HomeTube, an app that allows you to limit what kids can do with a tablet or smartphone, they are ideal for entertaining a while as you can answer the phone or attend to other chores. 
HomeTube is a content player that automatically plays YouTube videos that you specify using the search field. So there will be choosing video continuously, and leave little choice, which, as some have already noted, any video cartoon is 3 clicks of a violent or inappropriate video. 
Then this app ensures that the kids see contents insurance without allowing video out of that list, nor fiddling other device, as it is possible to place HomeTube as replacement Launcher (if you have Android 4.2 or higher!) we can make it the only app that a user can use.
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