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Lengthen Instagram Stories Duration

So let's see how we can lengthen videos in Instagram stories , with simple procedures that we will describe below:

  1. Launch the Instagram app ;
  2. Log in to your account;
  3. Make a swipe from right to left on the home screen;
  4. Tap on the media gallery icon ;
  5. Select the video in question.

The stories, as initially said, last 15 seconds so to load a video in the stories longer than the limit imposed, we must follow the procedures just described and automatically Instagram will create more subsequent stories, all of 15 seconds , where we can go and modify them to our liking. .

Now all that remains is to do Next and then click on Share .

Extend Video Duration in Instagram Posts

If, on the other hand, we want to extend the duration of the videos on Instagram posts , which we upload, then we have to proceed in two ways.

The first is to cut the video for a maximum of 1 minute , with the App of our smartphone or other video editing applications , or we can create a video carousel. The carousel videos are multiple 1 minute videos in the same post.

By cutting the video to one minute we can decide whether to post only that cut minute, or divide the video, for example, into two videos of the same post , if it lasts 2 minutes.

To do it:

  1. Open Instagram ;
  2. Access the profile ;
  3. Press the (+) button at the top right;
  4. Press on the Post item .

Now we can decide, after having edited our video, whether to insert one or more than one. To insert more than one, just follow the previous procedures and then:

  1. Click on the gallery icon ;
  2. Select the edited portion of the video ;
  3. Click on Select multiple items .

In this way we can load two or more in the same post , which will become a carousel Post, that is, the posts for those can be scrolled to the right.

Stretch Video with IGTV

But if the previous solution does not satisfy us, then we have to opt for another procedure, much simpler, but which will turn a post into an IGTV .

As mentioned initially, IGTVs are video formats of the platform that last up to a maximum of 60 minutes , 1 hour. To do this, let's do this:

  1. Launch the Instagram app ;
  2. Press the (+) button located in the upper right corner of the smartphone display ;
  3. Press on the Post button ;
  4. Select the video from the gallery;
  5. Click on the Next button ;
  6. Put a check mark on the item Long video ;
  7. Add the title, description and edit the cover of the movie;
  8. Finally, hit the Publish to IGTV button .

Lengthen Video Reel Duration on Instagram

Here we are in the final part of the guide, where we will go to see how we can extend the duration of the Reel on Instagram .

As said initially, the Instagram Reels last a maximum of 60 seconds , but by default the platform sets them to 15 seconds. How do we extend their duration?

Here we proceed like this:

  1. Launch the Instagram app ;
  2. Tap the (+) button ;
  3. Go to the Reel entry ;
  4. Then repeatedly press the button 15 located on the left (up to the maximum duration of 60).
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