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how to solve Google Play Store say “download pending” error?

1 Answer

+12 votes

Clear cache and data to solve pending download

On numerous occasions, applications cannot be downloaded correctly due to a bug. And it comes from the cache and the data that is stored in the Google app store. Therefore, it is possible that the solution is simply to clear the cache. As well as store data and apps related to it. To do this you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Access the Settings menu and, once there, the Application Manager.
  2. Go to the Google Play Store and press the Clear cache and Clear data buttons.
  3. Repeat the same steps, but with the Google Play Services application.
  4. Do the same again with Download Manager / Download manager.
  5. Restart the device for the changes to take effect.
Remove (and re-add) your Google account
If the previous solution has not worked for you, we will proceed to the next attempt. It is also possible that the problem comes from your Google account. And the fastest and most comfortable way to try to solve it is to delete that account and add it again. To do this, you simply have to follow the steps explained below. Of course, only for the account that is giving you problems.
  1. Enter the Settings menu and go to the Accounts> Google option.
  2. Choose the account that is giving you problems and press the option "Delete account / Remove account".
  3. To add the account again, go to Settings> Accounts> Add account> Google.
Uninstall updates from Google Play
In the event that neither of the two previous solutions has served you, it is possible that the failure comes from some of the updates that have been made in the Google Play Store.
If this is the case, it should be resolved by uninstalling the latest updates that have been made. In order to do so, you simply have to follow these steps:
  • Go to Settings> Application manager.
  • Click on Google Play Services> Uninstall updates.
If your mobile has the problem of pending download Google Play, with these three procedures we show you how to solve and exit that trance. We recommend that you try the three methods we have mentioned in order, until you find the definitive solution to your problem.
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