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How to solve the problem of Battery Drain on iPhone

1 Answer

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by (201k points)
The old iPhone battery tends to have a remarkable performance against the new phones Andoid, a spectacular battery, until one day simply cease to be. If your iPhone battery lasts less and less, this tutorial is for you.
Obviously the continuous updates iOS apps or same over the years, accumulate some kind of bug that prevents you on the phone to enter sleep mode.
To determine the optimal duration of an iPhone you have to check the weather of Use and Downtime. This is seen in Settings / General / Usage. An average and the team use in good health would dial a 4-7 hours Time of Use and about 12 to 17 hours Standby Time. Stand Time is the time that the device was turned on without us to use, since the last load. Using Time refers to the time when some app is running. If we use a game or perform calls, sum. But we also have some incorrectly programmed app with bugs, which does not close properly, it will also add time use. This is what drains the battery.
When the computer is experiencing a "Battery Drain" airtime would be very close to downtime. It can also be a symptom if the iPhone is always warm, because it is working constantly. Even these symptoms remain after restoring with iTunes, as if the problem were moving updating upgrade, backup and backup.
How to check if we have a Battery Drain
The easiest way is to leave the phone off and the screen (and Bluetooth) off for 5 minutes, noting the standing time and use, before leaving and 5 minutes. The difference should show that the usage time is less than a minute, if the computer is "healthy". But if the use time gives larger than the rest, then we have a problem of battery wear.
Detect apps or settings which may be draining the battery
Disable Location and updates from Facebook
Facebook is one of my bad behavior, even it we also passes on computers with Android. Facebook constantly tries to locate and trying to be updated in the background, causing a constant battery consumption and cpu. But we can fix to disable Location and update Background to Facebook.
  • For this we will first Settings / Privacy / Location. Off.
  • Then to Settings / General / Update Background. Disable Facebook.
After doing this remake test 5 minutes to see how evouciona Time of Use / Rest.
Disable unnecessary updates from other apps
If Facebook was not the culprit, we continue to seek the head of another app to roll.
If you have many apps installed, you probably have some other bugs or actually use internet to update data constantly, and if it's not something that really we use a lot, not worth letting it update in the background.
In Settings / General / Update Background. Turn off apps that really do not need that are constantly updated.
Stop killing applications from Multitasking
In iOS 7 is easy and even fun close open applications: just press twice the home button and start "throwing" or rule previews of each application with a flick of your finger to make it disappear from the map. Many people believe that close applications improves battery life because it prevents continue running in the background ... Bad idea.
When we do this we remove the app Ram phone. Correct. But it will have to load it entirely iOS next time you want to use, consuming CPU and ... battery.
The open and loaded into RAM apps are not constantly running, unless: reproduzan music, use the update in the background, Localization, or espeando receive calls (like Skype or WhatsApp). For all others, or if you disable updates them in the previous step, iOS "freezes" these applications when not in use, leaving them in the state in which we left so they can continue from the same point if activate again. So kill applications do not help, and may even worsen it.
Temporarily disable the update "push" in the email
The "Push" email system to allow your device to receive instant notifications whenever you receive an email. It is ideal if you need to know in real time when emails arrive but can have a significant effect on the battery if it is not configured correctly. And in many cases is usually the main cause of drain batery.
Ideally change the settings of mail to check for updates every half hour or every X minutes, rather than be left on the push. After changing this, we test 5 minutes Time of Use / Sleep to see if improved.
Sometimes, especially when services like Exchange for email are used, the phone can get into a loop where it is constantly connecting to the mail server. When this happens, the battery does not last even six hours and time values ​​in "use" and "at rest" are almost equal.
Disable the "push" notifications for applications that do not interest
There are many games, like some that use many small farm, which sends notifications constantly urging you to buy more cattle and keep playing. Each of these reports makes the phone out of sleep mode for a few seconds, turn on the screen and wait your possible interaction with the notification.
Notifications not consume battery but each message "wakes up" the phone 5-10 seconds. Not a lot of time at the end of the day, but if we have many applications, you can try turning off unnecessary notifications which do not really necessary.
Hide the percentage of battery
Worry so much about the remaining battery makes some people are constantly checking the percentage, igniting the screen to read it enough times that this move will lower the battery.
You can turn off the counter remaining battery Settings> General> Usage, just above the section with the battery usage time.
Control freaks are sure to feel anxious the first few days, but you will get used.
Turn on airplane mode in areas with poor signal
For the exact same reason that Android devices.
When the iPhone detects that bad signal quality, increase the gain of the antenna to try to improve the signal utmost to be able to receive calls and maintain a good data connection.
This consumes the battery if we are usually in low or no signal, such as buildings with too much metal in windows, aluminum facade or very thick walls, basements, and in crowded or with many tall buildings areas.
And this is independent of whether we have a good Wi-Fi signal, since the phone tries to maintain cellular connection for calls and SMS.
So in these cases it is advisable to turn on Airplane Mode, open the control center from the bottom of the screen and activating the icon shaped plane.
In fact, we can stay connected, because you can reactivate the Wi-Fi then turn Airplane Mode. Just press the Wi-Fi in the control center after turning Airplane Mode. This is very useful in places like airports or airplanes, where there is no mobile signal but also can use the Wi-Fi available.
If you have access to Wi-Fi and want a really granular control can only disable mobile data portion of the signal that you receive (EDGE / GPRS / HSDPA, 3G, 4G / LTE). Most people do not know that their phones actually receive two signals simultaneously: one for calls and SMS and the other for data.
The signal indicator on the iPhone only shows the signal for voice connection, which means that in the unlikely event your phone may be showing 2 or 3 bars (or points iOS7) for mobile connection but be getting only 1 or none for the data connection, causing the phone is constantly searching for a better signal. To turn off only the data connection is necessary to go into Settings> "Mobile Data" and disable mobile data. By doing this you will continue to receive calls (if you have enough signal) while keeping the active data connection over Wi-Fi.
Make a full backup to iCloud
This is another method that many works them.
We begin by performing a full backup of the phone to iCloud. Apple offers 5GB of free space in iCloud, which are usually enough to accommodate a backup of your phone. If this is the first time you use iCloud for backups, this can take a few hours. But in the meantime you can use the phone normally.
Then remove all the contents of the phone. Let's General> Reset> Erase all Content and Settings. This will erase everything, phone, leaving it as just bought. Therefore it is vital to do a full backup first in iCloud (and doubts, also on iTunes).
And finally we restore the backup to iCloud. Once the phone and ask reactive set, we must choose the "Reset an iCloud backup" option. This will return all apps, settings and data that we had the apps. That is, as was the phone before formatting.
What difference does this method with the restoration of iTunes? It turns out that iTunes recopy all apps and information as we had when we perform the backup. So if there is a bug or error in any app, it moved to backup, and again when we restore in iTunes. Instead, the iCloud Backup, instead of storing everything in the Backup saves only the data of apps and settings, but does not save apps. The apps back down the Store, eliminating potentially any errors or problems that some may have or have suffered after multiple updates, and could well be the cause of poor battery life.
Remember to test 5 minutes Time of Use / Rest after trying every method to verify whether it was enough to solve the problem.
If none of this works, you have to take your phone to a support center for Apple, but I think they are enough methods to rule the same options that would prove them when we get him before submit it to technical and eventually support replace you battery .
I hope this article will help you better enjoy your iPhone and get you a problem head.
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